Vestibulumaccumsan egestibulum eu justo convallis augue estas aenean elit intesque sed. Facilispede estibulum nulla orna nisl velit elit ac aliquat non tincidunt.

Namjusto cras urna urnaretra lor urna neque sed quis orci nulla. Laoremut vitae doloreet condimentumst phasellentes dolor ut a ipsum id consectetus. Inpede cumst vitae ris tellentesque fring intesquet nibh fames nulla curabitudin.

  • To develop discipline-specific learner centered curricula, pedagogy and evaluation methods and disseminate them to teachers of undergraduate and post-graduate institutions

  • To reform curricula of higher education that facilitates generation of knowledge in  inter-disciplinary and applied areas in tune with global trends

  • To conduct short term, medium term and long term training programmes for newly inducted and in-service teachers of science and engineering to make them more effective and responsive to the learner needs

  • To develop learner centered textbooks, handbooks, e-learning materials etc and make the TLC as one of the National Level Repositories of Teaching Learning Resources

  • To carryout research on pedagogical and evaluation methods in higher education and suggest interventions to improve the academic standards of higher education institutions for better global ranking

  • To develop pedagogical practices that integrate ICT in learning

Vestibulumaccumsan egestibulum eu justo convallis augue estas aenean elit intesque sed. Facilispede estibulum nulla orna nisl velit elit ac aliquat non tincidunt.

Namjusto cras urna urnaretra lor urna neque sed quis orci nulla. Laoremut vitae doloreet condimentumst phasellentes dolor ut a ipsum id consectetus. Inpede cumst vitae ris tellentesque fring intesquet nibh fames nulla curabitudin.